Physostigmin Salicylate can be supplied by MedicaParma in Ph EUR / GMP grade.

This very exclusive raw pharmaceutical material will be produced by one of our partners through custom synthesis GMP manufacturing.

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MedicaPharma supplies customers around the globe with raw pharmaceutical ingredients such as Physostigmin Salicylate, hormones, amino acids, vitamins, plant extracts and any other material needed; we are the sourcing and supply specialist when it comes to niche and not obtainable pharmaceutical materials. We start where other suppliers end; you can put your trust in us to supply you with the requested Physostigmin Salicylate.

Physostigmin Salicylate background
Physostigmine (also known as eserine from éséré, the West African name for the Calabar bean) is a parasympathomimetic alkaloid, specifically, a reversible cholinesterase inhibitor. It occurs naturally in the Calabar bean. The chemical was synthesized for the first time in 1935 by Percy Lavon Julian and Josef Pikl. It is available in the U.S. under the trade names Antilirium and Isopto Eserine, and as eserine salicylate and eserine sulfate. Today, physostigmine is most commonly used for its medicinal value but before its discovery by Sir Robert Christison in 1846, it was much more prevalent as a poison. The positive medical applications of the drug were first suggested in the gold medal winning final thesis of Thomas Richard Fraser at Edinburgh University in 1862.
Clinical uses
Physostigmine is used to treat glaucoma and delayed gastric emptying. Because it enhances the transmission of acetylcholine signals in the brain and can cross the blood–brain barrier, physostigmine salicylate is used to treat anticholinergic poisoning (that is, poisoning by substances that interfere with the transmission of acetylcholine signaling, such as atropine, scopolamine, and other anticholinergic drug overdoses). It is also used to reverse neuromuscular blocking. Physostigmine is the antidote of choice for Datura stramonium poisoning. It is also an antidote for Atropa belladonna poisoning, the same as for atropine. It has been also used as an antidote for poisoning with GHB, but is poorly effective and often causes additional toxicity, so is not a recommended treatment.It has been shown to improve long term memory, and was once explored as a therapy for Alzheimer’s disease, but in clinical trials it was not shown to confer convincing benefits, and it led to very common moderate to severe side-effects such as nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, loss of appetite (anorexia), abdominal pain, and tremors, resulting in a high rate of withdrawal. Physostigmine’s poor tolerability led to it being abandoned in favor of later acetylcholinesterase inhibitors, three of which are currently in use: donepezil, galantamine, and rivastigmine. Recently, it has begun to be used in the treatment of orthostatic hypotension.Recently, physostigmine has been proposed as an antidote for intoxication with gamma hydroxybutyrate (GHB, a potent sedative-hypnotic agent that can cause loss of consciousness, loss of muscle control, and death). Physostigmine may counteract GHB by producing a nonspecific state of arousal. However, not enough scientific evidence shows physostigmine properly treats GHB toxicity. Furthermore, lower doses of GHB produce a stronger action at the GHB receptor than at the GABAB-receptor, resulting in a stimulating effect which would act synergistically with physostigmine and produce hyperstimulation when the GHB blood levels begin to drop.Physostigmine also has other proposed uses: it could reverse undesired side effects of benzodiazepines such as diazepam, alleviating anxiety and tension. Another proposed use of physostigmine is to reverse the effects of barbiturates (any of a group of barbituric acids derived for use as sedatives or hypnotics). Source: Physostigmin Salicylate Wikipedia